Cocktail Headaches: What They Are and How to Prevent Them

can alcohol help a headache

Reviewed for accuracy by the American Migraine Foundation’s subject matter experts, headache specialists and medical advisers with deep knowledge and training in headache medicine. Get helpful tips and guidance for everything from fighting inflammation to finding the best diets for weight loss…from exercises to build a stronger core to advice on treating cataracts. PLUS, the latest news on medical advances and breakthroughs from Harvard Medical School experts. Alcohol consumption causes a range of different physical symptoms.

Signs & Symptoms

can alcohol help a headache

If you’re unsure whether alcohol is triggering your migraine, alcoholism symptoms keep a detailed migraine journal that includes any foods and alcohol consumed throughout the week. This will be a valuable resource for you and your doctor to start identifying more specific migraine triggers. Or you might be fine until after your blood alcohol level returns to normal. This type of headache can happen to anyone, but people with migraines are more likely to get one. It can happen even if you drink less than people who don’t get migraine headaches. If you’ve identified alcohol as a trigger for your migraine headaches, avoiding it altogether is probably best.

Living with Migraine

  • The key ingredient seems to be “drinking to intoxication”; how much you drank to get there is less important.
  • In fact, prospective studies report a limited importance of ADs as migraine trigger.
  • But other drinks like sparkling wine, beer, and hard liquor may be just as likely, if not more, to cause problems.
  • A sports drink with electrolytes is also helpful for this purpose.
  • The mechanisms of alcohol-provoking headache were discussed in relationship to the principal pathogenetic theories of primary headaches.

Try to eat some fruits, can alcohol help a headache herbs, and vegetables that are helpful for alcohol-induced headache recovery. Mango, thyme, ginger, and asparagus are known to contain helpful properties for this purpose. Alcohol can dehydrate you and drain your body of electrolytes.

Conflicting research about alcohol-related headaches

can alcohol help a headache

However, if the role of ADs in triggering MA and TH will be confirmed, a common trigger site should be considered. In this case, a direct action at the vascular system is hardly compatible with TH or MA. More plausible is an action at subcortical pain modulatory circuits, which in some way stimulate the neural generator of CH (hypothalamus?) and of migraine aura (cortex?, thalamus?).

Staying hydrated and keeping alcohol consumption to a minimum can decrease the chance of experiencing a headache. Individuals who experience severe headaches after drinking alcohol may also avoid alcohol altogether. Another thing that remains unclear is whether the type of alcohol you drink determines whether or not you will get a migraine headache.

Relieving Headache Pain: Preventing and treating migraines and other headaches

If you consistently experience severe headaches after drinking, consulting a healthcare professional for personalised advice and guidance is a good idea. Do you ever experience throbbing headaches after a night of drinking? Alcohol-induced headaches are common after having a drink or two.

can alcohol help a headache

A commonly held belief is that alcohol, particularly red wine, can help in reducing the pain and frequency of headaches. While many people find this to be true from their own personal experience, experts suggest the opposite. Tannin is a good guess, since white wines contain only tiny amounts, while red wines contain substantial amounts. Tannin is a type of phenolic compound – it’s found in all plants and usually plays a role in preventing disease, resisting predation or encouraging seed dispersal by animals.

  • To try to answer this question, we scanned the list of phenolics abundant in red wine.
  • Those who are triggered by alcohol usually feel the attack coming on within a few hours, although some reported that the next day was when they felt it.
  • Alcohol-induced headaches are more common when there is a history of alcohol addiction.

A change in sleep pattern can contribute to triggering migraine attacks. About 90 minutes into our sleep, we enter REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. This is the restorative stage of sleep and when it is disrupted, it can cause drowsiness during the day, and lead to other migraine symptoms.

can alcohol help a headache

Dehydration triggers some migraine cases; therefore, drinking plenty of water can help, even after the fact. Drinking water helps replenish your fluids and flush the alcohol out of your system. If you tend to get migraines within three hours or less of drinking, this might work best for you.

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